Neela Bergerac de Hu
Schipperke female, born: 26.07.2019
Schipperke female, born: 26.07.2019
Father: Dwarf Energy Carbon, MET.Schipp. 11/15,
born: 10.11.2016, MET.Schipp.33/17
CMKU/SIP/632/18, MET. Schipp.45/H/18
born: 27.07.2018., MET.Terv. 181/18, Complet scissors bite, red colour, 60cm
Complet sciccors bite, broke her leg at young age (bitten by an other dog), and it healed not well, so no show results or sport.
Sandokan, alias "Speedy", he is the father of Dginy Bergerac de Hu, Valerio Bergerac de Hu, etc.
female Schipperke, born 26.09.2013,